Friday, October 20, 2006

Second impressions on the Nike+iPod

Cedar and I went for a 30 minute walk today using the Nike+iPod gear and I can say that I'm as impressed as I was last night. We covered 2.01 miles in 31 minutes and some change and when I ended my "workout" on the iPod I received a congratulations from Lance Armstrong. Well, not in real time, but a recorded message from him congratulating my on my new personal best in a one mile distance.

I also set a goal of 80 km in 4 weeks, which given my current pace will be more than attainable. I may have to modify the goal a bit after a week.

Tonight I will be curling for the first time in my life. Marla, Grant, Laurie (Grant's girlfriend) and I joined the "fun" league for the winter. I'm all set with my slider and broom and "curling" clothes. It should be a fun time.

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