Monday, November 06, 2006

Well that's a totally different animal

My slider that is. Who would have thought that teflon would be slippery on ice. By the way, that's also called sarcasm.

It's going to take a number of times on the ice to get used to moving around fluidly while using my new curling shoes. Delivering a rock was a much better experience however. I could slide pretty much to the hog line without a lot of effort.

The only time I did fall was when I was wearing both grippers. Apparently the heels don't hold as much grip as the rest of the shoes. Anyway to make a long story short Grant said I looked like a gingerbread man falling over when I did fall. I don't think I could have fallen more flat on my back if I tried. The only thing I didn't hit was my head.

Either way it still hurt.

I'm ok today and managed to run 4.5 km this morning before work. I need to pick up the pace as I slacked off last week due to the snow and ice on the roads.

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