Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hey Scott, time to get on Facebook! ( Marla is on there now, my brother, father, old friends, new friends, etc. I know your busy, but it would be a good tool to keep in contact with your friends while you're away!

So yeah, I'm not addicted to facebook but there are plenty of people I haven't talked to in years on there and I've reconnected with a number of good friends already. Such a great networking tool.

On the exercise front I've been running consistently over the last little while. This last week saw a total of 29 km run. I'll probably beat that this week as Cedar and I logged a 8.5 km walk, averaging just under 10 minutes a km. I felt quite good and would have gone further but had to go help my in-laws install a new counter top.

It's been quite the nice week here. Yesterday the mercury reached 27. Today it was in the mid 20s. Nice breeze and no mosquitoes yet. Fields are dry enough that farmers are out prepping the fields (fertilizing, etc). No snow piles left to be seen. Ahh, so nice. I did get a bit of a sun burn yesterday though as I was outside for most of the day.

Anywho, going for another walk with the doggie now.

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