Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So the first dance lesson was more fun than I thought it would be. Our instructor said we move very well together and that we are fun to teach (so far anyway ;-). We just have to work on me leading ALL the time and Marla being willing to follow. I believe it's going to be a good thing for us and I felt really connected with Marla once we got our steps down.

The cold snap has finally broken. It's been warmer for the past few days and it's nice. We did get a few centimetres of snow last night but it's quickly turning to slush and just making cars dirty. It's nice to be able to go out without having to bundle up and look like the Michelin Man. Another month or so and the snow should be gone... or most of it anyway.

I got around to playing Live for Speed online a few nights back. It's quite cool being able to race against people from all over the world. My only problem is I was SO SLOW compared to the other people on the server. Afterwards I realized that it was most likely because my car had a regular street suspension setup and wasn't tuned for racing. Given I was only 3 seconds or so slower per lap than those with a good setup, I don't believe I did too badly my first time out. I did have a spectacular single vehicle crash at one point though. Poor old car wouldn't move much after that. Managed to limp back to the pits for repairs;-)

The basement is still coming along. The fireplace is finished now (with the exception of stone of course) and we've built the bulkheads needed for the main part of the basment. I drywalled it last night and it looks ok. Just have to put on the round corners and then some finishing mud to finish it. Then we'll be putting up the primer and then paint.

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