Sunday, April 09, 2006

Studding complete

Well, the walls are all up. They just need to be fastened more permanently to the floor and float to the joists. Both Marla and I are really happy that we took Ron's (my Father in Law) advice on pushing the wall back a bit at the end of what will be the rec room.

Dimensions are good. The area we pushed out will be for TV viewing and where our aquariums will go. It's 14'x20'. The next portion is just an open area and is 15'x20' and the office area about 10'x12'. The gym is an odd shape and is 17' deep and at it's widest is 12' wide and is 8' wide at the narrow point. So it's a couple square feet short of 900 sq ft (if we count the hallway, then it's over 900). A bit more than we had first estimated, but that's not a bad thing.

Here are just a couple pics. It's hard to get a good angle and there's way to much stuff piled up to get a good shot.

The area that we pushed back to give some more room

Looking into the gym. We have double french doors (total opening of 48") going in there.

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