Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nike+ update

Well, the snow has put a damper on my walks as of the last couple of days, so I've had to resort to using the treadmill. I've also started following a 5K training course for novice runners. Essentially it starts off at 1.5 mile runs, to 1.75 mile, to two miles, etc up to three miles. It's going ok so far and 1.5 miles isn't trouble at all for me to run on the nice cushie treadmill we have.

What I have noticed however is that I need to calibrate my nike+ unit for running. At 5.6 mph on the treadmill and lower my nike+ unit is pretty much in synch with the treadmills numbers. Once I go to 6 mph (5.7 to 5.9 is really wonky) the numbers my ipod gives me are out of synch - by a big margin. 6 mph is a 10 minute mile. If I run 6mph on the treamill my nike+ tells me I'm doing an 11:40 mile. If I go down to 5.6 or 5.5 my pace picks up per my nike+ unit.

That tells me I do need to calibrate the ipod for running. I've since found out that the accelerometer in the transmitter determines how long your foot is on the ground and calculates a pace from that. When I run faster I am actually striding longer and my foot must be staying on the ground a short time longer than when I'm running a little slower. Or at least I guess it is.

All in all, running a little longer than what my nike+ says isn't a bad thing. If I actually run 1.6 miles instead of the 1.5 my unit says, I'm ok with that.

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